Island Guidelines

Windermere Island Way Road Safety
Roads on Windermere Island are for everyone to use safely. Please remember to drive on the LEFT hand side of the road and obey the speed limits.
All road users have a duty, especially toward more vulnerable users, to be careful and considerate when travelling on a private road. Drivers of road vehicles have a duty to slow down and show extra care toward more vulnerable users, such as people with reduced mobility, pedestrians and cyclists. Vulnerable users, for their part, have a duty to adopt behaviours that enhance their own safety.
The Island currently has a maximum speed limit of 25mph. However on the approach to the cottages to the south end, the speed limit drops to 15mph. The road to West Beach also has a speed limit of 15mph.
We are all responsible for road safety.
If there are any problematic drivers that are not following the guidelines please call Security at 242-332-6330 and fill out the below form:
Beach Access, Property Borders & Trespassing
Residents are reminded to please respect the property boundaries of our fellow Windermere residents. We all like to explore, take advantage of the many views from the beach at Windermere. However please don't intrude on other people's property unless you've asked their permission in advance. Unauthorized access is particularly a problem at both ends of Windermere Island Way.
For those whose residences do not front the Atlantic, beach access is via Beach Reserve, not through fellow residents’ property. Residents are reminded that the Apartments are not a public beach access point, the parking lot is private and the beach furniture is owned by Apartments residents for their exclusive use.
Note especially that Turtle Cove is not to be used as a ‘walk through’ and parking lot for those making a beach/road walking tour, hanging ropes from trees on the property's bluff, using their hoses, spigots, or beach chairs. The Turtle Cove dock is not to be used as the parking lot / boarding point for those seeking third party bone fishing type charters or any other unauthorized use.